P4 Audio

By Jacob Bates

With this audio assignment, I thought it would be great to read off one of my in progress short stories. I went through a little writing phase, and I thought that being forced to read one of my stories would help me think critically about my writing. It definitely did, and I found a bunch of stuff even in just the first page that needs further refining. Some of the descriptions are a little long winded or unnecessary, but I wanted to practice being my creative when I wrote it. I don’t have a concrete idea for what it’s about, but I was hoping that this dramatic reading of the first page would be a good teaser for people to hear, and want to know what happens after. I didn’t do much sound effects at the start as a lot of it is exposition, but I was very happy with the carnival noise and spooky sounds at the end, it really puts you right there with the main character.

I did a pretty good job recording everything the first try, I just used my phone which made it very convenient, but I would like to check out a field recorder for next time. I just had to edit out some of my small mess ups and cut out some of my longer pauses, overall ending in a pretty good product. I do wish that I had read it a bit more dramatic, but recording anything but my normal voice is very difficult.

Lane County Fair, 2021. Contax TVS, Ektar 100