P1 About me, Mason Perkins

Mason, they, them, Multimedia student (Animation focus)

Self Portrait

I like to perform In media of all forms although I’m not confident my performances are good because I need experience to refine the craft. I love to brainstorm, especially with teams. I will always have suggestions if you ask me, although I only interject my input when I feel it’s important to the current conversation so I don’t tend to mix things up on my own without prompting. I also enjoy post production although, like performance, I feel I need to make more personal projects to refine my craft before I consider my current final work to be actually finalized in my eyes. I haven’t made many personal projects because my love for filmmaking was formed mostly by taking these classes about it, so I’ll need time outside of college to create something at all, let alone make something good.

Oh yeah another interesting thing to note, I already took every other class for my degree and missed this one so now I’m taking a 101 class at the end of my second year like a professional. And even funnier than that is that taking all the classes I did wore me out to the point where just getting up to do a 101 class is difficult. I would rather lie in bed and try to recover some years of lifespan stolen away by math classes and *shiver* writing classes.