“It’s really interesting. If you can tap into that thing you were really interested in when you were eleven years old, it gives you as good of a shot as you’re ever going to get at being happy with what you do later. Because it’s when you’re eleven that you know something about the world, you know a little something about yourself, and you’re not yet overly influenced by your peers, or the confusion that comes with adolescence.”
Murch, Walter
Welp, I’ve chosen my favorite, and the award goes to Mister Walter Murch, a sound designer and film editor. He’s done work on The Godfather, House of Cards, American Graffiti, and even used Final Cut Pro to edit Cold Mountain in 2003. He’s kind of a big deal. He talks a lot about his childhood and how he knew he wanted to be a filmmaker, but got sidetracked. He figured out what made him happy at eleven, and pursued that. And honestly, I’d say that was a smart move. One I can resonate with since it’s the same as mine.
– By Annie Perkins