About Me

Hello everyone, my name is Quinn Hodges I’m 22 years old and live locally. Currently at Lane, I am working on my degree in computer programming. My hope is to use my degree for video game development, sometime in the future. I’d say I’m a shy person, but I can be kind of outgoing when it comes to people being passionate about the same things that I am also passionate about. Pretty much I’m a classic introvert.  I do like going to my friend’s rock shows and playing video games.   I don’t do too much, other than go to school which can be very enjoyable at times. One of my favorite past times is playing with my dog, Piper, who’s about to turn 1 year old in another month. She is a very sassy purebred black lab that loves hanging out and playing with my sibling’s dogs. When I finish the media arts program, I hope it will give me a better understanding of appealing to people senses in the media world. I guess I’m not too sure yet. This class is an elective that is suggested to students in my degree. It seemed like an interesting class.  I’m not sure if I will be doing the whole program yet, but who knows. since I can’t see the future.

One thought on “About Me

  1. hughest

    Quinn, sounds like you’re trying to find the perfect niche…it also seems like you’re going about this in the right way and that you are on track to be successful with anything you try. I’m not sure why your revised picture isn’t posting on the class blog…maybe you need to delete the old one before posting the 2nd.

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