By: Shawn Zousel

Hey there, I’m Shawn. I’m 21, just moved up to Eugene from Coos Bay a coastal town about 2 hours south that I’ve lived in for the majority of my life. (And to be honest I’m glad I left haha). I like to write, read, hike, play videogames, hang out with my friends, and binge watch shows until 4AM and realize I made a horrible mistake. I’ve recently picked up a drum set and am trying to learn the drums as well but the key word there is trying. Other than that I’d say I’m a big walker, I’ve found myself wandering across town more times than I can count. Something about aimlessly wandering is strangely very comforting to me. Once I finish the media program I’d like to work towards making short films and from there go on to being a director but ya know, small steps first right? I’m just hoping that with getting my multimedia design certificate I can start working on projects more closely related to film and start building skills and connections. I hope one day you all get the chance to see a film made by yours truly, and I also hope that you enjoy watching it because it’d suck to go that far to make another version of “The Room”. If anyone would like to collaborate on any projects outside of class feel free to follow me on Instagram at Zouselboi. Thanks for reading and have a great rest of your morning, night, day, or other specified time!