
This was a fun assignment, however WordPress has proven to be a difficult customer. My alignment options in edit mode are rudely ignored in the webpage displayed.

Ahh! Sweet relief!
The shelves are stocked again…
Portrait of a Bench
The Buddhists say all things have “beingness” so it was interesting to
photograph a bench in “portrait” mode.
Water and Light
This is one of my favorites.
Interesting Angle
I like how at first you’re not sure what this is…
It’s Boots Weather
Put you gotta start with a good pair of socks.
The Gorgeous Cherry Tree
at Owens Rose Garden
My Motorcycle
Yes, this is my bike… when I rigged a hard case in place of a pannier.
The turn and brake lights actually worked!
Kick up Your Feet
My housemate likes to decorate.
My Version of Coffee
My protein shake has protein powder, magnesium powder, a banana and oat milk.
Mirror Mirror…
I like how each has a different reflection.