My name is Stacy Sellers. I often go by Ycats (Stacy, backward). I’ve lived in Oregon since 1998 and I absolutely love it here. This is my second term in the Media Arts program here at LCC. I first attended LCC in 1999 and in 2001 I became a licensed massage therapist. In 2016 I sustained a back injury that caused my right leg to be paralyzed. It ended my career as an LMT so I made the decision to go back to school. I am loving the program and instructors in the multimedia program!
In my spare time, I love to create. I play music, I craft, and I take photos. I love to travel and a couple of years ago I took a nine-week backpacking trip all around South America. I started in eastern Argentina and made my way west to Chile, followed by Peru and then Mexico. It was amazing! I can’t wait to do something like that again. People say it’s a small world, I beg to differ. I have so many places on my bucket list! I really hope that one day I can travel, take photos, and write about my adventures and the cultures and history of the places that I visit.
When I’m not in class, I enjoy spending time with my sweetheart. We have awesome adventures together. There’s never a dull moment. We make amazing food together, laugh a lot, and sing karaoke together. He brings so much joy to my life. I am truly blessed. He is a wonderful musician and a talented massage therapist. He’s awesome.
I can’t wait to master the techniques that the multimedia program teaches. I’m so excited to be creative and share my projects with the world, be it photography, sound, film, or art. Yay!