Hello all! My name is Eryn Leatherwood and I like to tell stories. Whether it be through writing, drawing, acting, or telling tall tales at work, I find telling stories is highly therapeutic and ultimately greatly entertaining. At the end of the day all I want is to make someone’s day a little brighter by telling my silly tales. That being said, however, I can’t say I’m the biggest fan of talking about myself, so this is a bit of a challenge!
I have two sisters, both of which are older, and it is with great passion that I annoy the snot out of both of them, as is my right as the youngest spawn. My family and I have way too many cats in our household, (my mom has a bit of a bleeding heart for the neighborhood strays.) I typically enjoy drawing in my freetime, though I’ve recently picked up embroidery, and I’m appreciating that.
I honestly am still trying to figure out what I’m going to be doing after college is, or even my major– yes, I am aware it’s the third term I’ve been here, It’s a work in progress, I must admit. Thus far I’ve tentatively said that I’m getting an associate’s degree in art, but who knows if that will change? I for one, am more excited than nervous about it. The future is but an adventure that I’ve yet to experience.

Hi Eryn, it’s great to meet you! I love telling stories too. There are so many different creative ways to share entertaining tales. I’m looking forward to hearing your stories. Also I don’t think it’s possible to have too many cats haha!
Hi Eryn, I really like your mindset about the future, positivity is key especially with everything going on in the world today. I think there are a lot of people in the same boat as you when it comes to not knowing what they want to do after college, I already finished college once and I still don’t know what I want to do!
It’s great to meet you Eryn! We both have the same goal of making people’s day a little brighter, especially days we are facing today during the pandemic. Also your cat is adorable <3
Stories are more than entertainment — they are the essence of what it means to be human. Being a storyteller is a noble and important pursuit, even if the stories are lighthearted and whimsical. Keep it up!
You seem like a really rad person, and I am totally rooting for you!!
I really admire your positive outlook on not exactly knowing what the future has to hold, along with change. It definitely makes life feel almost like a choose your own adventure novel hehe.
anyways, love your kitty and wishing you the best of luck this term!!