Hello! My name is Lily Hanley, I’m 19 .
I moved to Eugene from Corvallis with my mom last August and have been loving the new change in pace. I like to draw, I’ve been drawing my whole life and I hope one day I can make it a paying job. I’m also a proud cat and dog mom, if you will. I love animals, my favorite animal is the wolf. My favorite foods are ramen and sushi. I also adore coffee, I’m a Dutch Bros stan. (photos below)
I also like to play video games, such as: Smash bros, Sims and Overwatch. I don’t know what I want to do after I complete this program, I think I want to do something in the art industry or maybe therapy? I’m just experimenting right now, trying to figure it out. Still trying to find myself to be honest, so everything is in the air, i don’t have any plans.
I used to do competitive choir in high school, so I really love music and singing, it brings me a lot of happiness. I miss doing it a lot, hopefully one of these days I’ll register fast enough and get into a class.
My biggest achievement in life right now is graduating high school, and hopefully in the next two years it will be graduating from Lane.
I’m running out of things to talk about… uhm, my favorite color is purple, my sign is Sagittarius, my favorite band is Panic at the Disco

It’s great to meet you Lily! It sounds like we have a lot in common! I’m also a huge lover of animals, video games and the color purple. Your cats and dog are so cute! I look forward to seeing what you do in this class.
Nice to meet you, hope you have a great term. As a fellow animal lover I just want to say you have some cute pets. I don’t have any fur friends at the moment so I am jealous. Good luck in your studies!