The Ant and the Dove

I chose to pick a story from Aesop’s fables for this assignment, about returning kindness and repaying favors after a friend has helped you out in a tight spot.  This took me a lot of takes and was pretty frustrating to record and edit but that’s part of the learning process.  I’ve never edited audio before and this was also my first time using audacity, but it’s fun to have new tools in your belt.  Audacity was a little bit toward the clunkier side but that could have just been me not knowing how to optimize my editing efficiency yet.

The hardest part to me was adding in background music.  Cutting and editing my voice telling the story and various sound effects added in wasn’t super difficult, but editing music and trying to get the tension and buildup in the song I chose to match key points in the story proved to be kind of difficult.  Matching up tempo and notes so that it could sound as smooth as I could make it took a decent amount of time and the song that I sampled was a lot longer than my story so there was a lot of trimming.



Image :

Sounds :

Wingflap 1&2 : _stubb @

Watersplash 2 : lwdickens @

Cartoon Doves : WagnerTamborine @

Stream River Water Up Close : jackmurrayofficial @

Song : Mousetrap by Purple Planet Music