For the X-4 assignment, I interviewed by phone Kyle Seidlitz a web master for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. The interview was short because of his work. (5 min long) I asked him about his education and how it effects his calling within the church as a webmaster. Kyle responded by saying, “Having a college degree in web authoring and computer science helps as well.”
I asked him what does he do on the church’s website and how long does it take him to accomplish his work he does every day/every other day. Kyle said, “I help maintain the website with other web masters from different wards and aids with online tithing and processing it for the church.”(There is a lot).
The third question I asked him was “how does a web master help the church other than online tithing offerings?” He responded by saying,” I help maintain the site as well as post talks/information and dates/locations of events the church is holding.”
The last question I had was how does media play a role in the within the church? Kyle stated that he was short on time but he answered the question. He said, “It helps to get information about who we are as well as cover a wide array of topics ranging from basic scripture study to the path on becoming a member and staff directory. Media also spans beyond the internet. There is television and radio which is used for trying to reach people and get them to come to church. If people have questions they can refer to the site or set up an appointment with the missionaries to have some questions or they can come on Sunday and talk with the bishop after the service. God bless.”
In my experience with media/computers (personal/LCC) setting up and maintaining websites takes a lot of work when done by hand. Nowadays there are sites that will allow you to build it much easier than hand coding HTML/CSS/JavaScripting which can take weeks if not more plus the education on what and how to write is enough give a person not versed in computer language a whopper of a headache.
In summary education in computers seems to be a large portion of a lot of media and other subjects. Attending the Sunday service and talking with Kyle allowed me to have a different perspective for webmasters by asking questions I myself, wanted to know. However due to a short time talking I could not get all my questions answered within the allotted timeframe. Thirst for learning a complex subject takes time, dedication and faith in all you do and all you interact with is all you need to succeed. I also learned now in the age of technology churches are using media across multiple platforms to reach everyone and every age etc.….
Media impacts a lot of what we do today as well as influence target groups that the media is meant for across most platforms that are needed to reach the target audience.