playing around with video editing is great! with a max of 2 minutes to work with I decided to do a quick slideshow about thing that you can do around Oregon. with plenty of things to actually choose from I wanted to cover a few of my favorite things and a joke at the end about the new legalities of pot shops. I would have loved to create a new theme instead of a top five slide show but with the time I had it seemed to work out fine. I really wanted to remind people about the natural beauty of Oregon and a few touristy spots as well. obviously I could have added snowboarding or the beautiful eastern desert landscapes or camping and river activities not to mention music venues and art galleries but my top five for the sake of this theme landed on the basics.
retrospectively I don’t travel enough at all to enjoy all those other things and my list has a 2 hours from Eugene minimum kinda thing going for it which I think is well enough because you’re two hours from the coast desert or mountains anyway.
I had a bit of fun making this. and got more familiar with premier editing along the way. hope you enjoyed the music and imagery!!thank you!