Save the turrets, stop the abuse.

Well, as nervous as I was about this I am really happy with the final product. For the first time using audacity I think I did pretty well and had a blast doing it. I wanted to show an average day in the lab at Aperture science and what these poor poor turrets have to go though. So I made my audio clip to raise awareness so that someday the turrets will be free like you and me. I had so much fun doing different voices and messing with the pitch and bass. I even got to create a slight echo that helped me get the voice I wanted. It took around 8 hours and many re-recordings to get the final product. Getting each voice recording to sound the same was the most difficult for me. If I were to do this again I would do all my lines for a certain character first then the second character and so on. But it was a good learning experience struggling through so all’s well that ends well. My other problem I discovered is if you don’t know the game you wont understand some of the humor. The overall point of saving the turrets was made but the humor I attempted to incorporate may be lost to some viewers. But regardless I genuinely hope you enjoy the short clip and remember, save the turrets, stop the abuse.

George Bleekman