I started to make a fun adventure with my kids as actors playing the roles that they always play. The two princesses running the castle which is a school of magic and normal school of cooking. But as I have found out, the wise words of W.C. Fields are true, “Don’t work with animals or children.” When I needed them to talk and be ready, no one was. When I wasn’t ready they were speaking rivers of gold. Funny how that works out that way. So I scrapped the whole improve comedy with the kids and wrote my own little skit.
I found this project to be really fun. I like to play with my voice when hanging out with my kids and making up silly stories. So I went with an old stand by of mine, “Radio Dad”. I use to answer the phone at my previous work with that voice while treating their issues seriously, loads of fun. With that I decided to make a spoof of “Abs and Buns of Steel”. Not that they need any help being silly but I thought I would make a go of it. There weren’t may none offensive body parts left that need help getting buff but I found one. Hope you enjoy it.
Nice job on the video! its funny and I like the voice that you used.