Wow, what a ride this term has been. When I first started to brainstorm on what I wanted to do for my final project I was leaning more towards a remake of the scene in The Devil Wears Prada. I wanted to reenact the scene wear Miranda’s character (Glenn Close), interviews Andy (Anne Hathaway) for the job of her assistant. Needless to say it was an epic fail. First off the location I used for the interview was the library, on a Saturday afternoon, right after family story time (one of the busiest times at the library). It was impossible to get my opening shot without a ton of people getting in the way and after about 10 takes my daughter was just not into it any more. When a 4 year old is done, that is it. End of story.
After my experience with my first attempt I knew that I would need to shoot my project at home, where I knew my daughter was most comfortable and I did not have to worry about strangers getting in my way. My husband really loves horror and so does my 4 year old so I stepped out of my comfort zone and jumped in feet first. I am happy with my finished project, even with some of the editing glitches, because I know how hard I worked on it.
Thank you to all my classmates who made this such an enjoyable class and good luck to all on future endeavors.