My project is a fake radio advertisement for Theater At Home, a fictional service that sends people to your home to watch movies with you to give you an “authentic theater experience.” I used Audacity to record everything and used my preferred DAW, Reaper, to edit all of the clips.
I found some royalty free music online (thank you, Kevin Macleod) and used one small sound clip taken from a livestream by two of my favorite YouTubers/Animators, OneyNG and Psychicpebbles re-enacting a made-up scene from Back to the Future. Everything else was recorded within about an hour, as procrastinating is my forte. The only issues I had during the project was starting it late at night. There’s a bit of yelling in it, which I had to wait until the next day to record so as not to wake up anyone in my house.
Overall the project was fun to do. It’s an idea I’ve sort of had floating around in my head for a while and I’m glad I finally had the outlet and medium with which to execute it. I hope you enjoy listening to this mishmash of stupidity I’ve uploaded to the internet! Prepare to be made slightly uncomfortable by it!
-by Ryan Scott

love the picture
Dude hilarious XD
great job, this is super funny.