1. The Equipment checkout counter where Media Arts students checkout gear – bldg 17
2. The Studio with the “Blue Cyc Wall” – bldg 17
3. Center for Student Engagement in the Center building
4. The main Art Gallery on campus
5. The Art-O-Mat
6. The Reference counter in the Library or other “identifier” in the Library.
7. The large silver sculpture that sits outside of the Health & Wellness building
8. Mary Jo Kreindel’s office (The Arts division Office Specialist)
9. Media Creation Lab in the Center building
10. Judy Gates or Christina Salter’s office (They are your advisors for Media Arts)
11. “The Commons” area or the Indy lab on the 2nd floor – bldg 17
12. The flags or other “identifier” inside of The Students First building
13. A Construction shot or a “turkey shot
By: Brittany P

First one I’ve seen so far that has a consistent object in the pictures, great work!