1.) The Media Creation Lab. I wonder what special resources they will have in there?
2.) Blue Cyc Wall. Lets make a movie 🙂
3.) Equipment Checkout. Where the magic starts!
5.) Art-O-Mat. Anyone have $5 I can borrow? No its not a cigarette machine, its an art machine.
8.) Art Division Office Specialist.
9.) Educational Adviser for the Media Arts Program.
10.) The center for Student Engagement. Its a place where clubs and organizations of Lane to meet.
12.) Building #1. Any questions? Go to building #1
14.) My random image is of a piece of art by building 2. Ive walked past this and ive seen the carvings on the other side, but I never noticed this guy on the side. One of my favorite things about Lane is all the art that you see EVERYWHERE on campus.