Resources for Media Arts Students at Lane

This collection of pictures below is part of a class assigned scavenger hunt around the campus.

by: Derek Watson


1.) First up on our list, the front door to the office of the woman who made this fun little scavenger hunt possible. (Teresa Hughes) 🙂


2.) Next up, a shot of the “Blue Cyc Wall” in the Building 17 Studio room. Something personally I’ve always wanted to see, along with the rest of the building. (I feel the scavenger hunt helped with that.) I hope next term to take some classes in there.


3.) Next, we move on to a shot of the Equipment checkout area; where students enrolled in Media Arts classes can go to checkout gear. (I’ve always wondered where this was..)


4.) Now we move on to a place I was very familiar with, the main Art Gallery. A place where students, teachers, and other faculty members can showcase and even sell their work. This is a very cool place where things are always different and you can see a lot of different forms of art. (some you may not have even thought of at first as art.)


5.) Just outside the Art Gallery we find this, “The Art-O-Mat” a vending machine-like dispensary unit that, for the low price of $5 will give you a chance to own a piece of art from a local artist. (I once bought a sonic-cow from it, and gave it to a friend my first term at Lane.)


6.) Here we have a shot of the “Reference Help Desk” located in the Library. (and like any help desk you happen to find – there’s never anyone in the chair.) lol :p


7.) Another place I was very familiar with was the Health & Wellness Building, and the Large Silver Sculpture just outside of it. (I always thought this looked like a giant bobby pin stuck in the ground.)


8.) Number eight on our list, we have located just off to the right side of the Art-O-Mat, is the office of: Mary Jo Kreindel. (The Arts Division Office Specialist.) I can recall her giving me help my first term at Lane while looking for a class, she was very nice. 🙂


9.) Next we move on to a place I frequent more then any other at Lane..the bus stop. (No explanation needed.)


10.) Probably the toughest thing personally for me to find on the whole list was the office of: Christina Salter (Advisor of Media Arts) The reason this was so hard to find was because the first person I had asked about where to find her office told me that I could find it in Building 10 (or the Media Arts Building) It made sense at the time.. :p but later I found out that she was actually in Building 1 (as far away as she could be from where I was at the time on the campus.)


11.) In at number eleven on the scavenger hunt we have the common area of the “Indie Lab” found on the 2nd floor of Building 17. (I’ve never been in this room until the scavenger hunt assignment, much less this building, but I’m assuming it’s where students can go and get art-related class work and other things done in their spare time.)


12.) Next on our list is a place where any and all new students at Lane start. “The Students First Building” or – Building 1. (When you first walk in you get a real sense of united pride with the flags of many nations showcased, as they hang like banners from left to right along the top of a high arched ceiling.


13.) Last on our list is the seen of a both a distraction to many and yet, a sign of progress; for the College, the teachers, students, and future students. That is to say,”The Construction” outside the new remodel of the Lane Library Building.

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