You may say I’m a dreamer…

Growing up, I was always very indecisive as to what I would be when I “grew up”. As the answer to the question changed throughout the years, my interests began to expand as well. As a child of many talents, I cut my dolls’ hair, painted and scuplted with my father, wrote elaborate speeches and recited them to anyone who would listen, and put on dance performances for my family. Throughout my childhood, I was involved in sports, debate clubs, leadership conferences, and the performing arts. My career options that I had laid out for myself included becoming a hairstylist, a singer, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, a comedian (still a very plausible dream),or a lawyer. As college starting approaching, these fantasies began to fade, and I was left with literally (seriously, literally), no idea as to what career path I would choose. It was not until my junior year of high school during the mandatory “Career Day” that I was presented to the world of Public Relations. I thought that my skills and more importantly, my personality fit the major and my future career position options perfectly. I knew how to handle scandals, plan events, and use my voice to aid and inform others. This realistic dream of mine is now within reach, and I believe that gaining more Media Art skills will aid me in my future.