One more site deployed today:
This site is an excellent example of how we’ve been consolidating sites – if you can believe it, when we started there were 75 pages there. Now we’re down to about 7.
Just another 16 departments to go!
One more site deployed today:
This site is an excellent example of how we’ve been consolidating sites – if you can believe it, when we started there were 75 pages there. Now we’re down to about 7.
Just another 16 departments to go!
Had our first deployment of the new year today:
Otherwise, we’ve been busy developing and testing our information architecture for our new Current Student and New Student landing pages.
4 chunks deployed today:
Happy Holidays everyone!
Today’s deployment, by itself, represented 7% of all the pages we need to move. And it’s just one site!
Two more sites deployed to Drupal today, officially bringing us to over 80% of departments deployed.