Arts & Center

Two sites deployed today:

With those done, we’ve completed 91% of departments and 85% of all pages, and we have a new student worker hammering away on the remaining pages. He’s spent the entire day just working on Marketing and Public Relations pages – our biggest remaining chunk, with around 400 pages. Only 12 departments left to migrate!

Today’s deployment also marks another milestone for us: our first time having less than 200 404 (page not found) errors. That’s down from over 1000 a few months ago. Not bad, for over 10,700 pages of content checked.

Also, an important announcement:

Only 4 days until we go live!

Blog posts have been rather sporadic the last month or two while I’ve been hammering out the new theme. There’s no pictures to show yet, but after we launch (Sunday!), we’ll continue to refine and perfect our theme to improve support for all devices from IE8 on up. So expect news in the future about some of the details of our theme and some of its awesome features.