February Updates

Daylight is starting to stick around a little longer and flowers are popping up all over campus, signaling the end of winter, winter term and the beginning of the final stretch of this academic year. What a dynamic and transformational academic year it has been! 

Rob Johnstone’s February visit was a productive, action-packed two days. While here, Rob and his team met with the eight Guided Pathways teams, administration, specific faculty groups, students, and various departments across campus. Moving forward, his team provided ideas on targeted action plans on how to continue developing Guided Pathways at Lane. 

This work can’t happen without the involvement of all of us. Whether or not you’re a direct part of a Guided Pathways work group, every job, department, and classification at Lane is ultimately involved in Guided Pathways. While the days are getting longer, the to-do lists are as well, so thank you for all of the work you do to help move this college forward! 

As always, let us know if you have any questions by emailing GuidedPathways@lanecc.edu

Your IComm Team


Guided Pathways is a strategic framework that guides an inclusive, holistic redesign of the student experience to help our students graduate and achieve their goals. The framework is designed to meet the multiple phases of students’ needs and experiences by:

  • Creating clear curricular pathways to employment and further education
  • Helping students choose and enter their pathway
  • Helping students stay on their path 
  • Ensuring that student learning is happening with intentional outcomes.




Happy New Year, Lane!

As Lane welcomes a new decade and new term, Guided Pathways is preparing for the next visit in our ongoing consultation/coaching with Rob Johnstone’s AAII group. 

On Feb. 6-7, Rob and three colleagues will meet with all of our working teams to conduct informational interviews with about a dozen groups. They plan to meet with small groups of students, faculty, staff, and management, both in role-alike groups and in the following specific categories: transfer, CTE, and developmental education faculty; innovative program leadership; professional development; academic and student affairs management; advising and counseling; institutional research; IT; and assessment. Rob will also meet with each of the eight running Guided Pathways teams to provide coaching and guidance as we move toward designing an improved student experience.

These interviews will be used to compile a report highlighting opportunities and barriers at Lane that stood out to the interviewers during their visit.We’re excited to see how Rob and his team will help us explore and redesign the student experience through a Guided Pathways lens. 

Questions about any of this? Email GuidedPathways@lanecc.edu for help! 

Your IComm Team

Now Recruiting: Guided Pathways Phase III

We’re recruiting again! Guided Pathways has two new teams forming, and a few former teams that need additional members. The new teams are our First Year Experience team, which will help define what FYE will mean at Lane in the Guided Pathways roll-out, and the Career Communities Integration team, which will work to make our eight career communities a meaningful, supportive part of a student’s Lane experience. You can find more information about these teams at our Phase III Teams Explainer: https://tinyurl.com/GPPhaseIII

Interested? Fill out this handy form by December 1. 

You can find more information about all of our current teams here at the Current Teams and Participants page

Rob Johnstone and Ed Bowling Visit Agenda

Rob Johnstone and Ed Bowling will visit this Halloween (October 31) for a day of conversations about building individualized student plans through Guided Pathways work. Please see the agenda at this link for details about his visit.

Dr. Johnstone and Dr. Bowling will present three open-to-all-employees sessions during his visit:

  • 9:15-10:45, Keynote Address and Q&A: Designing the Optimal Student Experience (Ragozzino Hall)
  • 11-12:15, Topic Session: Designing Equitable Student On-Ramps, 4/105
  • 3:15-4:30, Topic Session: Designing Program Maps as Foundation for Individual Student Plans, 4/106



What do students learn before classes start? In-service Fall 2019

The Cross-Content Collaborations team presented “Get In the Know: What Students Learn Before Classes Start” during Fall 2019 Inservice. The session focused on helping faculty and staff learn what other departments teach students as they start their Lane experience.

One outcome of the collaboration was the creation of several quick guides for faculty and staff that may help clarify the different student populations we’re talking about and also who on campus can provide support and resources.

These guides, along with the presentation’s slides, are linked below. 

The group will continue to work on updates to the guides as well as creating further forums for faculty and staff to discuss and ask questions about how different areas of campus interact with students (and each other!) to create a college experience.

2018-19 Year in Review: A summary from your GP co-chairs

This has been a busy and productive foundational year for Lane’s guided pathways work. To tie up the academic year, your three guided pathways co-chairs have put together a summary of the work and events that happened at Lane this year. You can view this in the attached PDF here or download it from Google Drive at this link (login to LCC Google Suite may be required).

20190613 GP Year End Summary(1)

TIPSS #32: What will Guided Pathways become at Lane?

Building on the student experience information from the last two TIPSS publications, our last TIPSS for the academic year provides a question for the whole campus to consider: What will guided pathways become at Lane?

TIPSS32 What will GP Become

Can’t view this PDF? You can also download it from Google Drive here (log in to LCC G Suite account may be required).

Recruitment: Phase II Starting Now

We’re recruiting for two new teams, which will have initial meetings during Finals Week in Spring 2019. These teams will do the bulk of their work starting in Fall, but may have some tasks that can be accomplished over the summer (at the discretion of the team, once formed). Teams forming now include:

Program Mapping Process Team

Team Purpose:

    • Use relevant data collected during pilot program mapping project to design an effective process for mapping programs at Lane, including delineating process features such as
      • Key groups/roles to work with program personnel as maps are designed
      • Resources to support effective mapping practices, such as time, physical space, technology, materials from outside resources, other
      • Investigate and recommend how long an individual program should anticipate it will take to develop a program map (e.g., weeks, months, days?)
      • Investigate and recommend implementation steps, such as to whom are maps submitted, when and how are maps implemented (e.g., by whom, in what manner/format, etc), other  
      • Evaluation of maps; continuous improvement; how to determine if maps are effective

NOTE: This team will not develop program maps. Program maps will be developed within individual programs, by program personnel with the support of relevant college staff. This team is designing Lane’s process for developing program maps.

On-Ramp Team

    • Using college data and national models, identify key areas and ways that students move into Lane credit programs, including but not limited to non-credit to credit transition, developmental education, K-12 and high school partnerships, transfer from other institutions, and International programs
    • Identify and propose ways to smooth the student experience when transitioning into career communities, guided pathways, and eventual program maps
      • This includes examining, and making recommendations for improvements in, current systems and processes which effect the ease or difficulty of student transitions
      • Examples: Banner and other technical systems; how students experience their interactions with different areas of the college (are these consistent or disjointed?)
      • Propose how these can be most effectively designed as student-centered
    • Identify existing, planned, or diverted interventions that support student success and retention during and after transition into credit courses, with a particular focus on underrepresented groups
    • Collaborate with existing college taskforces on placement and developmental education redesign to coordinate efforts toward equitable student experience through pathways

Please review the recruitment document [in PDF] for more information about the expertise needed on each team. Then, fill out the recruitment survey at http://bit.ly/GP-Spring19 to get involved! Deadline for submitting the recruitment form is Wednesday, May 29.