Caching Changes

Once again, we’re on a quest to make the website as fast as possible. Drupal doesn’t make this easy – on an average page load, our request for that page passes through three servers, sometimes generating hundreds of database calls and touching dozens of files. But through caching, we’re able to skip most of those steps and serve you content that was already waiting for you.

Now that we’re a couple of weeks post launch, we’re going to start making our caching a little more aggressive. If you’re a web editor, this might impact you.

Previously, the cache time on all of the objects (pictures, fonts, stylesheets, etc) on our pages was set to six hours. This makes sense the first few days after a big launch – we were anticipating lots of changes. But now that things have stabilized some, we’re turning up the cache lifetime on our stylesheets and javascript files to one year, and turning the cache lifetime of images up to one month. For 99% of visitors to the Lane website, this will result in up to 17 fewer requests to our servers – a 70% savings – creating a significantly faster web experience.

Unfortunately, this also means that there’s certain circumstances when a picture you’ve added to your website remains in the cache, and you’re unable to force someone to use a new one. Let’s say that you have a picture, called “kitten.jpg”, of a kitten eating a hamburger. You save your page, and people flock to see your awesome image. Every one of their browsers sees that the picture has an expires header of 111600 seconds – 31 days. Next time they visit your page, their browser won’t attempt to download that picture again unless at least 111600 seconds has passed.

The bad situation happens when you want to replace your kitten picture with a better one (say, a picture of your kitten eating a cheeseburger). You upload your new file as “kitten.jpg”. But your visitors will never see the new picture – their browsers see the same filename, and they know that particular file hasn’t expired from their cache yet.

So how do you fix it? Well, for one, remember that the picture will automatically fix after 31 days. But if you need an immediate fix, there’s a simple trick. Just rename your picture as “kitten2.jpg” and add it to your page like a new image. Now when the browser visits the page it’ll realize that it doesn’t need kitten.jpg anymore, and grab kitten2.jpg instead. We’re setting the cache at 1 year for JavaScript and stylesheets because we’re able to depend on Drupal to create new stylesheet and JavaScript names automatically when they change, and effectively do the same thing as we did with kitten.jpg in the example.

Things are actually a bit more involved than what’s above, but it’s not worth the extra confusion. If you’re interested in how we’re actually implementing caching, please send me an email or leave a comment.

I know this extra renaming step might seem painful, but we can’t ignore page speed. Google is incorporating speed into their rankings, and for users on slow connections (3g, in particular), we want to make sure the page renders in less than 1 second. Caching will take us a long way towards where we want to be.

2 thoughts on “Caching Changes”

    1. We try our best to support Android all the way back to Android 2.3 – what websites aren’t rendering correctly for you?

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