Undergraduate Research Events in Spring 2022

For several years, Lane has been involved with the University of Oregon’s Undergraduate Research Symposium. Honors instructor and Faculty Coordinator for Undergraduate Research, Stacey Kiser, initiated the relationship, and since that time, we have had several Lane faculty and managers on the planning committee and subcommittees at UO.

This year, we had a number of students from the Honors Program, Phi Theta Kappa, and the college at large participate in the symposium. Sprout Mahoney (pictured below, closest to the poster) won the award for Best Poster: Community College Division.

Honors Student Sprout Mahoney answers questions about her poster.

A week after the UO event, Lane held its annual Lane Student Research Days. Posters displays lined the halls of Building 16 while additional events included student work on sustainability in the Learning Garden, an alumni panel discussing the impact undergraduate research had on the panelists’ future education and careers, and a creative works reading. Jordan Coen (pictured below) read original work at the UO symposium and at LSR Days.

PTK Member Jordan Coen reads a short story in the Titan Scholars space.

Congratulations to all the Lane students who participated in these events!

Honors Undergraduate Research Fall 2021

ARH 209_H History of Japanese Art -Honors (taught by Alexandria Nanneman)

Alivia Stiles’ “Visual Analysis of Kōshirō Onchi’s Family of the Field from Poem no. 2

Kōshirō Onchi, Family of the Field from Poem no. 2, 1937 Showa Era, color woodcut on Japanese paper, 14 7/8 x 14 1/2 in. (37.783 x 36.83 cm), Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, https://library-artstor-org.lanecc.idm.oclc.org/#/asset/ADALLASIG_10313601517;prevRouteTS= 1635624793780 

ENSC 182_H Atmospheric Environment and Climate Change – Honors (taught by Claudia Owen)

Nick Bernier and John Adair’s Research Project

WR 121_H Introduction to Academic Writing – Honors (taught by Eileen Thompson)

Katie Sincerbox’s Essay

Julia Taylor’s Essay

WR 227_H Technical Writing – Honors (taught by Ce Rosenow)

The following students wrote reflections on their research process and included links to the comparative analyses they produced in their formal analytical reports:

Jecca Arthur’s Honors Reflection

Kat Lakey’s Honors Reflection

Raven Mack’s Honors Reflection

Jeremiah Vandagrift’s Honors Reflection

Workshops on Presenting at Conferences

This year, we are holding a series of workshops for students in the Lane Honors Program and Phi Theta Kappa, including several on how to present at conferences.

The first workshop ran this fall on our Honors Discord server. Honors Librarian Claire Dannenbaum and Honors Political Science Instructor Erika Masaki joined Honors Coordinator Ce Rosenow to discuss why students might want to present at a conference, what the process for submitting a proposal looks like, and what to expect in the various conference presentation formats.

We will hold additional workshops in winter and spring to prepare students to present at the Lane Community College Undergraduate Research Fair and at the University of Oregon’s Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Western Regional Honors Conference 2021

Congratulations to Annie Sweet for having her poem accepted for presentation at the Western Regional Honors Conference this month! This annual conference is sponsored by the Western Regional Honors Council and is open to students in honors programs across the country that belong to the WRHC. Annie read “Annie Wildwood,” at the one-day, virtual conference.

Research: Winter 2021

Several honors courses included honors-level undergraduate research this term.

Students in Stanley Coleman’s COMM 111_H Public Speaking – Honors class completed an honors research project as part of the course requirements.

Isaiah Contreras’s Research Paper

Casey Nagai’s Research Paper

Samantha Wilson’s Research Paper


John Adair and Lille Youngbauer completed ART 115_H Basic Design – Honors with artist and instructor, Kathleen Caprario. From the assignment instructions:

“It’s often said that there’s nothing really all that new under the sun. That history repeats itself and that the “new” is actually the old, just dressed up differently to seek out a contemporary audience. So, is that true? And, what are the iterations possible for similar ideas given a different cultural point of view and time? Are there similarities in intention, need and purpose that continue to inform the bulk of what is labeled “new,” with the radical, never-before-seen actually being an exception and anomaly?

Begin by researching and selecting two different artists or artistic/cultural movements to compare and contrast. You will be considering these creative and cultural examples, one from the past and one contemporary that, despite different time periods, have similarities based on form, function and aesthetics. Make sure that there is a discernible difference between the two in terms of time period and technologies that will allow for you to fully consider the contrasts and outcomes between the two.”

Read their research papers:

John Adair’s Research Paper

Lille Youngbauer’s Research Paper


In Alexandria Nanneman’s ARH 209_H  History of Japanese Art – Honors class, Perry Wright completed an undergraduate research project. 

Perry Wright’s Research Paper 


In WR 227_H Technical Writing – Honors, students completed a research project and a reflection on that project. The following reflections were written specifically to be shared on this blog. They include links to the students’ formal analytical reports, where they present their findings as to whether PowerPoint or Prezi is the most appropriate presentation software for various audiences.

Noni Lundy’s Reflection

Zain Shah’s Reflection

Trenton Tomlin’s Reflection

Matt Wakefield’s Reflection

Honors Undergraduate Research Fall 2020

Several students completed the honors sections of WR 227 Technical Writing. Here are their reflections on their research, written specifically to be shared on this blog. The reflections also include links to their formal analytical reports, where they present their findings as to whether PowerPoint or Prezi is the most appropriate presentation software for various audiences.


Devin Daniels’ Reflection

Alicia Foster’s Reflection

Deepti Gautam’s Reflection

Donald Laskey’s Reflection

Hanna McGuinness’s Reflection

Jeanna Metcalfe’s Reflection

Casey Nagai’s Reflection

Ryan Rebello’s Reflection

Mariah Vohland’s Reflection

Micki Williamson’s Reflection

Student Research From Spring 2020

In ENG 104_H Introduction to Fiction – Honors, the students in the honors section and the students in the non-honors section were in the same class. The honors students, however, produced a final literary analysis project that included a multimedia presentation and a final essay on a graphic novel of their choice.

John Adair’s Presentation

Jessry Smith’s Presentation

In WR 227_H Technical Writing – Honors, students participated in the regular section of the class, conducting individual research to determine whether Prezi or PowerPoint was the best presentation software for technical writing students at Lane Community College.

The primary differences in their assignments were an extended annotated bibliography and a reflection on their research experience. Below are the honors students’ reflections:

Sophia Brownlee’s Reflection

Damian Carreon Ilboa’s Reflection

Isaiah Contreras’s Reflection

Natalie Ferguson’s Reflection

Grace King’s Reflection

Vi Truong’s Reflection

Honors Students Reflect on Research in Winter 2020

As the COVID-19 virus spread and the college community faced the reality of a pandemic, honors students and faculty finished the Winter 2020 Term via remote instruction. As part of that final effort, students in WR 227_H Honors Technical Writing reflected on the research they engaged in during the term. Here are some of their reflections:

The college will continue remote instruction through the Spring 2020 Term, and faculty and students will find innovative ways to collaborate on undergraduate research. Results will be shared here!


Preparing for UO’s Undergraduate Research Symposium 2020

The University of Oregon celebrates the tenth year of its Undergraduate Research Symposium on May 21, 2020. Once again, we are preparing Lane students to participate! UO has created a special abstract submission process for Lane Community College students and visiting McNair Scholars. The symposium organizers are also working on a video of Lane students presenting last year. Honors faculty will work with students this term and next so that they can share their research at the symposium.

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