6-28-2017 Blog Network Updates and Additions

Several updates as well as a couple additions today.

Theme Update
Weaver Xtreme v3.1.7

Plugin Updates
Weaver Xtreme Theme Support v3.1.7

Plugin Additions
Google Docs Shortcode v0.4
Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer v0.12.4

With Lane’s transition to GSuite, it seems like a good idea to give the ability to embed GSuite documents in blogs.  I found two that look to be well supported and stable.

Google Docs Shortcode is by CUNY, the City University of New York.  They do quite a lot of open source WordPress work and they generally keep their plugins updated and secure.  This plugin lets you embed most Google Docs (Docs, Sheets, Slides…) so they simply display in your post or page.  If you remember <iframe>’s, it’s a lot like that.  You’re basically looking at a GSuite doc through a window in your page or post.

Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer is more focused on Sheets and turns your GSuite Sheet into a datatable.  Datatables automatically add sorting by click, header rows, pagination and some other niceties to a spreadsheet making it much more usable in a website.

As always, if you have any questions, let me know

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