In October, we held a workshop for members of the Lane Honors Program and Phi Theta Kappa on how to create a CV and how to present at academic conferences. The workshop took place on our Discord server in the Honors voice channel. Claire Dannenbaum shared information about the University of Oregon’s Undergraduate Research Symposium coming up this spring. Erika Masaki discussed why someone might want to participate in an academic conference and what to expect at conferences. Ce Rosenow explained what a CV is and reviewed how to create one. Use the links in this post to access the materials shared during the workshop. You can also visit the University of Oregon’s website for information about their symposium. We will hold more workshops in winter and spring, including additional mentoring for presenting at conferences and creating ePortfolios.
Monthly Archives: November 2021
Meet the Honors Program News Editors!
This year, we have three co-editors working on the Honors Program News, our program’s newsletter. We plan to publish one issue per term in fall, winter, and spring. Work on the fall issue is well underway, and we plan to publish the newsletter at the end of the term. Meet our wonderful new editors:
Kayley Cook (pronouns are she/her) is a double major in English Literature and Education. She’s in the Honors Program and Phi Theta Kappa, volunteers with OSPIRG, and is a tutor at Lane’s Tutoring Center. Outside of school, she plays piano, and she loves to read. She plans to go to the University of Oregon once she has finished at Lane, and she would like to study in the UK at some point.

Hannah Joel was born and raised in the small city of Ipoh in Malaysia. Now, she finds herself across the world as a first-year student at Lane Community College. Growing up, she was always intrigued by the world of criminal justice, criminology, and psychology. Her penchant for such studies led her to enroll at Lane in the spring term of 2021 and join the Honors Program in the summer term of 2021, where she is currently pursuing an AAOT degree.
Hannah was captivated by, and drawn to, the honors program because of the small class sizes and the close faculty mentorship. By taking honors classes, she would not only be more engaged with the content but also have the ability to be involved in discussions and debates that would keep her open-minded.
When she saw an announcement to be involved in co-editing the honors newsletter, Hannah immediately jumped at the first opportunity. She had never co-edited anything before, so she thought that it would be an excellent idea for her to experience something new. Hannah also wanted to have a sense of involvement within the community. Since she is not on campus at the moment, co-editing the honors newsletter sounded like a great way to be active in college despite taking classes online.
Apart from spending her days working on her assignments and projects for college, she enjoys reading novels, watching movies, and listening to podcasts concerning crime, thriller, and horror genres. Hannah also takes delight in spending time with her poodle Calum and going out for food trips during the weekends with her friends.

Raven Mack has been at Lane since Spring Term of ’21 and is studying English. Her goal as of now is to become an editor, though that is subject to change as something else may catch her interest in the future. Regardless, she does intend to work somewhere in the writing field, as writing has always been a hobby of hers. She really enjoys writing short stories, with her absolute favorite genre to write is contemporary fiction. She also loves reading and will read an entire book in a day if given the chance. Her favorite books tend to fall somewhere on the fiction spectrum as well, ranging anywhere from horror to sci-fi or fantasy, and of course, contemporary!