Category Archives: P5 Image Editing

Top 5 Scariest Cryptids


Hello. I had a lot less idea with what direction I was going to take this project then P4. I ultimately decided to go with a silly short video. When I recorded the audio, I didn’t have much of a script, so later while I was editing I had to go back to record a few lines in order for the video to feel complete. 

I just used my phone to record, as I feel that shaky, low quality footage would be thematically appropriate.I tried to go for the style of clickbait video on youtube that feeds on exaggerating anything and red circles. Although, a lot of the video is done with just text so I hope what I have communicates that goal. (The dogs standing on my art IS pretty scary though.)

While I have put videos together before, I haven’t really sat down to edit like I did for this project, and I’ve never used Premiere Pro before this project. 

Also, I’m terribly sorry that this top five is not contained to the bounds of positive numbers. I didn’t know it was possible to go into the negatives on a top five list. That must be another cryptid that snuck into the video. 

– Violet M.

P5 Image Editing

By George Hendrickson

My project was inspired by the “Top Ten Most Brutal Deathcore songs” type of YouTube videos in the Myspace era. These were fan made videos of the pictures of the bands with their songs usually made on programs like Windows Movie Maker. While my music taste has evolved since those days, my favorite kind of music has changed very little. So, I thought it would be fun to do my own little version of one of those videos.

Considered the most brutal section of a metal/metalcore/hardcore song. The breakdown is characterized by a beat much slower than the main verses and chorus of a song, the primary ingredients being a steady beat from the drums (with lots of cymbal and sometimes double bass) and a chugging rhythm from the guitar. When played live, breakdowns are usually responded to by the audience with high-intensity moshing (slam dancing).

Doing this project was fun and frustrating at the same time. I enjoyed playing around with the songs and software to see what I could do. However, some of these songs (especially one) are old and it certainly didn’t come out as well as the other ones. Still, I had a good time scratching the surface to see what I could do with Premiere.

P5 – Image Editing – Tonari Abiori

This is the first video I have made in years and going back to my older videos I made for high school assignments/projects for inspiration, this new video I made is a big improvement. Here, I used Adobe Premiere for the first time so had more choice for editing and thus more creativity. What I found helpful is that I could record my voice on top of a clip without having to compress it to an mp3. That saves me a lot of time. There were also the tools to make music and voice different levels and that helped me so much because I always felt like I was talking quietly through my microphone. There were three challenges I faced during this project. The first one was recording my voice on top of another voice I recorded. The tricky part was making sure they could hear both voices clearly and I did everything I could, but I feel like it’s still the level I want. The other problem was music. My old videos had one song in the background. Here, I wanted to have each segment have its own unique music, so I mostly used music from the Associated Production Music (APM music), the music you would hear on shows like Ren & Stimpy, SpongeBob and Westworld. The last and hardest challenge I faced was mixing my two voices with music in the background for the final segment.

P5-Mason Perkins

I had fun making P5, I wanna do more with it but that’s for later. I’d like to, expanding on the theme of five, make 4 more images, one without the giant, one with it forming, the one that’s made, one with the city mid explosion after the star is taken, and the city destroyed. Then I could edit them together in sequence and the video could be longer and not rely so heavily on premiere editing for visual storytelling. With that being said I like what I came up with my limitations withstanding. I researched and found out Danse Mascarabe Is copyright free in the US, It’s one of my favorite orchestral performances and I’m glad I could use it. It was fun getting out of my comfort zone for this project because I don’t paint things in color often, I need to practice that more, but doing it for this I can see I have a ways to go for color painting, with more time it would be more refined but more paintings in general will help me find a comfortability with playing with color and light in paintings.


The painting is composed of five colors, yellow, blue, purple, and orange. The painting is of a constellation giant coming to loom over a golden city in a dark desert and taking a star from the sky, leading to the city to be destroyed. Stars are five pointed shapes in their generic symbol form but I chose to not draw any five pointed stars so that choice wouldn’t be so obvious.

P5 assignment

by: Allisa Olsen

Pets, most of us have at least one, I have 2 dogs, 3 cats, and a hamster but someone didn’t make the cut due to the assignment being in numbers of 5. Don’t worry the older dog will be shown in a later assignment. For this assignment, I picked the pets with the most prominent personalities to rate them on a scale of 1-10. For example, my cat Mushu is beautiful and intelligent but he’s so smart he gets bored fast and creates chaos. Balancing out the pros and cons of my pets will determine an accurate rating. My mother would also agree with the ratings too, as most of the things that are destroyed by the pets are her belongings, unfortunately. In the video, I have presented as I said before the pets with the most personalities.

The video includes Jett the purebred black lab, yes I said purebred because no one believes it, because of his size but he is just a gentle giant. The 2nd animal featured will be the animal I used in the example above, Mushu he doesn’t need an introduction he’s just chaotic. The 3rd animal would be the lovely Sulley, there’s nothing past those blue eyes, no thought process at all. And the 4th animal is another cat, Miso which is the first cat we adopted. If you want to know the 5th animal you are going to have to watch the video he’s the best pet in the house.

P5 Image Editing – Kaiden Kuntz

I got too ambitious, so this video ended up taking a bit more time to edit than I expected it to. I initially wanted to do one big stop motion that had to do with associating color with music, but I realized pretty early on that I wasn’t going to have enough time to do something like that. After I realized this, I figured that I’d make it more about the 5 colors being in various situations. In doing so, I found that I was able to go about this project in a variety of ways (2D animation, live action, etc.). I came up with a few thematic ideas, and then sort of just went for it. Because I knew that I wasn’t going to have a lot of time, I decided to do things that would help lead to an abrupt cut off in the animation. For example, I chose to use a short meme that I knew would still be effective even in a short time span, and ended my first animation with a sort of absurd, random introduction to the 5th color. The 5th theme of my video mostly came from my frustration of briefly working with the clay, as my entire desk was being taken up with lights and my hands ended up being completely stained from the multicolored clay.

By Kaiden Kuntz

5 Things Kay Likes

Surprise! I was able to animate this!

I wanted to do a little animation about things I like, sadly I didn’t have the time to do a full animated video, but I hope you enjoy the little animations I did get to do. Other than that, the video basically shows off things I personally like, such as games, Demon Slayer, painting, markers, and other art stuff. 

Everything in the video, besides the music which was made by Seth_Makes_Sounds” on, were created by me. In terms of how long it took me to make the animated parts, it didn’t take me that long. Fun fact, I had to cut the video because when I finished it, it was 3:30. It was mostly because I extended certain parts of the video. Like the Demon Slayer figurine animation, which was originally 21 seconds long and the parts where I showed off my artwork. I ended up putting all my artwork into one frame instead of individual pieces. 

It was a lot of fun making this and I hope you all enjoyed the small little looping GIFS I made for the transitions along with the replacement/stop motion animations!


P5 – Hypomania in Five Stages

After years of confusion and frustration with my mental health, I was diagnosed with Bipolar II when I was 19 years old. Bipolar II is characterized by the presence of depressive and hypomanic episodes. While most people are familiar with depressive episodes and how they can present themselves, hypomania remains somewhat mysterious for those who have not been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder or have experienced it secondhand. There are obviously quite a few more than five hypomanic symptoms, and it’s far more complex than I could represent in two minutes, but I wanted to focus in on the key ones and how they compound upon each other.

To create this project, I combed through years worth of footage from some of my lowest (and highest) points and edited it together in iMovie. I created and recorded the background song in two days while actively in a hypomanic episode, shortly after being diagnosed. This project ended up being far more meaningful to me than I anticipated it would be, but I’m extremely proud of the end result.

Bipolar Disorder still carries a lot of stigma, especially in media portrayals of it, and I wanted to present a very real and raw look into what it’s like to actually experience it. When I filmed this footage many years ago, I had no idea why I was recording, but it felt like I had to. It was a means for me to reflect and be heard, even if only by myself. I’m extremely proud of where I am today and haven’t had a true hypomanic episode in years thanks to a combination of working hard in therapy, medication, and an amazing support system.

By: Nina Soldati

Wow, the number 5 is so cool huh..? Yep. Sooo cool…

It’s the number 5.

This is a hand drawn piece that only took me a few hours to finish. There is no music, and this is not a video because that would be a silly way to display a still image. I hope you like the number five. Thank you for reading.

-Max Ryan