The Living Sunstone – Final

I decided that I was going to do my final project about a story that I wrote in 3rd grade called The Living Sunstone. I wanted to make an overview of the what the book entails to make it seem like it was a cool new book that had just been released. I was planning on using one of my mics to record my audio so I could get it crisp with no background noise but I somehow managed to lose both of them when I moved months ago. So since I didn’t have my mics, I had to use my phone mic. I hope that it doesn’t produce too terrible of audio and that listening to this is somewhat bearable.

I decided that I was going to use old pictures that I had drawn for the book back when I wrote it as well as some new drawings that I made for this video. They’re supposed to look childish and funny since that’s the type of art style I used when making the book back in the day. I wanted to make sure that during the overview, I displayed the correct images so you could get an idea of what the characters were supposed to look like.

Overall, I think that I did a decent job given my circumstances. I think it turned out okay. I would’ve really liked to have my mic to have better audio. I think I did an okay job of explaining the book to possibly entice readers to want to read the book, even though it’s not a published book nor professional in any way. I left out the main plot twist so that if anyone does “read” it, they won’t know the twist in the end!