Professional Blog r/Filmmakers

Reddit – the Filmmakers subreddit ( )

Screen cap of the subreddit r/Filmmakers

Reddit is full of blogs and internet postings. It’s full of communities, interests, and hobbies. One such community is the subreddit Filmmakers. Here you can find blog posts ranging from indie startup film development right up to the pro Red series cameras shooting in 4k with several millions in production value. You can find most of your questions answered in posts people put up in help threads, Tip threads, Q&A’s, and if you cant find what you’re looking for? Make a Post. Have a comment of what someone else posted or a question? Reddit is full of information and this community is a valuable resource to bounce ideas off like minded individuals and people in the industry for free. 

An example I found on /r/filmmakers:

this post gives some good tips and a check list of sounds to record in both field and post production while also incorporating examples into the video. and this site has fresh content every day by the hour from its large user base and good sized subreddit subscriber numbers, and as long as there is a user base there will be a Reddit server. With the content all being user based it can range from lots of questions to lots of links of other blog sites, image sharing sites, ect. But all posts that are deemed worth being saved the Moderators can Archive posts to be viewed for ever. Here are some examples of the Top posts on the Filmmakers subreddit: .

3 thoughts on “Professional Blog r/Filmmakers

  1. Alex Garcia

    This is actually really cool. I am actually fairly new to using reddit so I didn’t know there was a thing like this. I thought it was mainly all memes. I’ll be sure to search for something like this and see if I can find one. I’ll have to try and look harder.

  2. Krista

    I enjoyed seeing Reddit being shown on this! I always use reddit, but I never thought of it to be used for films and audio! I’m definitely going to be looking into Reddit for art and information in the animation side of things!

  3. Jacob Adams

    Reddit is just a cool place to pass information around. I didn’t even think of it for this type of thing. Cool post though, with the first video you posted. That shot is so famous and really cool how it was done in a single shot.

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