Audio P4


When I was heard about the Audio assignment, I thought it would be a struggle and a battle. It was a new project and I had to work with a new program I didn’t have much experience with but I was surprised! When I opened up Audacity, my gears inside my head started clicking and going. I actually enjoyed the project and once I started, I couldn’t keep my hands and eyes off the computer. It was literally like chewing gum for my eyes. I enjoyed making the project so much!

I had a little difficulty finding a story I could read and add effects to. Since I am bilingual, I was thinking of reading a story bilingually, but it didn’t go too well and it sounded too choppy. I finally decided on reading a story in one language. I also wanted to do a story that most people didn’t know. I came to the decision of reading a story about why the sea is salty. I recorded myself reading, picked my music and sound effects, then I was silent for the rest of the weekend. I had an idea in my brain that I was trying to get down into something people could listen to. I wanted a really short but good story, and sound effects that could really add a strong mental picture in the audience’s minds. I’ve listened to audio recordings that were full cast with sound effects, and I could almost feel myself in the environment, and that’s what I wanted to convey.

In the end, I think I accomplished what I had in my head, into something audible, which is pretty cool. I’ve realized it’s not about being perfect about everything, but rather be content with what you have and when you step back and look at what you’ve accomplished, it will probably look better than you imagined. There’s a quotes that goes, “The harder the workout, the greater the feeling of accomplishment”, which is exactly what I felt. I also felt a bittersweet moment when I finished the project. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and now I often wish myself back to the beginning. What an amazing journey I took!