Vandelay Design

Vandelay Design Main Page -Screen Grab.jpg 

I chose this blog because it posts about multiple categories relevant to Media Arts, and a large majority of the posts are intriguing and incredibly informative. After I found the website (by searching for ‘Best photography and Photoshop blogs’, and browsing through the results) I was immediately drawn in by the content of the posts. I just got into photography about a year ago, and I have become really interested in photo-manipulation as a means of making art. I am not particularly talented at drawing, painting, or any of those things, but through photography and Photoshop, I have found an outlet for my artistic tendencies. It also includes many posts about WordPress which I

Vandelay Design wordpress page -Screen Grab.jpg
The WordPress Section of the blog

thought was particularly relevant to this class considering we use WordPress to post our assignments. It also has posts about web design trends, which we are studying in my Intro to Web Design online class.




I think the website/blog was designed incredibly well. I like that you can view blogs by category via the navigation menu, and I think that is incredibly easy to navigate. The layout is very clean and simple and that really helps the user focus on the content. All of the images are also very crisp and I think that enhances the user experience. All of the articles are also very informative and most are relevant to all Media Arts students and professionals. I particularly liked the article ‘Personal Branding for Designers: How to Sell Yourself and Your Design Work’, because this is something I’ve thought might be particularly difficult after graduating from school and entering the professional world. It also gives examples of portfolio sites and professional communities to join.

In short, I think this site is very well designed, relevant, and informative for both current professional designers, and students looking to get into the field. I personally will be visiting it often from now on, mostly to check out the Adobe tips, tricks, styles, etc. of which there are many.

Vandelay Design Lightroom tutorials -Screen Grab

One thought on “Vandelay Design

  1. Monica Bustos

    Hi Johhny, thank you for sharing this blog with our class; I feel that this blog can be very useful to everyone since it talks about a lot of topics we deal with in class and will probably deal with as well in our professional lives. I also really enjoyed your blog post, it was very well written and the multiple photos you included added more interest for the eye. Great job and thanks again for sharing this blog!

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