Blog Search: AWN Blogs

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Because of my interest in animation, I decided to search the interwebs for a blog about it, and I stumbled upon this little treasure.

Animation World Network is a blog that has everything you would want to know about Animation. With some perusing I found it has news about whats going on in the animation world today, as well as articles from different animation sources. From Disney, Pixar, technology of animation, everything. It has links to other animation blogs that you can get easy access to, as well as shows, events, and even has job listings from people out there in the industry. LOTS of helpful things for students who want to immerse themselves in this industry.

I found the site very easy to navigate. It has a nifty home bar that spits everything into categories that you can see, and well as a hover menu (like shown in the above picture) that has even more info. I read of few articles that they had posted, and found them captivating and interesting enough. They have a comment section at the end of each of them that allows people to engage with each other and share ideas/thoughts which is neat!  What I found that was really cool and awesome was the Jobs link, that takes you to job listings of people out there in the industry and what they’re looking for.

I think the site is overall produced very nicely and professionally. It’s easy to use and is a great resource to keep up with the animation industry and to see what hot new things are happening within it, as well as finding out what future employers are looking for.

By, MaKayla