Perpetual Trails


Well project 5 is complete, and if nothing else it was a huge learning experience.  For myself I tend to dream very big, and the hardest part of those dreams is bringing them to reality, or something tangible.  My overall goal for this project was to take a beautiful day hike at the coast from Haceta Lighthouse to Cape Perpetua, with 5 points of interest in mind.

The adventure started early and ended pretty late. With minimal food, water, and a little hitch hiking. While on the journey there were so many beautiful sights along the way.  Blooming flowers, streams, muddy bogs, coastal raging winds, beautiful sun rays, and an amazing friend to experience this with.  My friend Laura was my talent, so to speak, for this adventure. And my directing skills were honestly off the seat of my pants, and with a fairly over exceeding coffee buzz in tow.  Perhaps next time I will preplan a little better,  let my talent know what my intentions are before we break trail.

Anyways, I think that was the hardest part for me.  Just to spend such a great day out with a friend, but also be able to get dynamic shots. Running ahead on the trail to see other view points, stop  the marching, and make her walk back to do it again.    That part I believe was the hardest for me and especially for her.  She started out with such a bright spirit and beautiful smiles complimented by our environment, but by the 10th mile I could smell the resentment and bitterness building.  Her tolerance to my creativity and relentless spew of ideas were taking its toll, and her trust of  our future endeavors were wearing thin.  But hey, she is a trooper and in the end I feel proud of this project, as its my first video ever, and really can’t wait to do more!

Song Credit: “Her” by Vincent