First blog post

Hello my name is Chad VanNatta, I am the one behind the camera, pictured with my daughter Alexandrea. I am attending Lane to transfer to University of Oregon as a Photography major. I have a few years of previous experience but am looking for a greater understanding of the technical aspects of the productions. Also I think that the people we meet and the network we create will fallow us throw our lives. These are important for one person can build a bridge but a large group can do it faster and better.


I enjoy nature and being outside, hiking, fishing, hunting and mountain biking. All these things I do I like to share with my family. I have two daughters Alexandrea and Elizabeth who really enjoy being outside too. They are of the modern age and love the computer, cell phone(for games) and T.V. , but spend plenty of time outside with “dad”. My wife shares some of the same interest but not all the same, that would be dull. I believe that a good photographer is willing to get wet, dirty and get into places that well maybe I shouldn’t say, anyway my name is Chad and it is good to meet youfrozen drop 2-16

One thought on “First blog post

  1. hughest

    Nice photos…really like your reflection snapping the picture with your daughter. Sounds like you know what you want to do and have good plans to get there! It’s important to follow your passion.

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