5 Ways to Get the Girl

So with this project I actually had several other ideas in mind, but I only had the camera for a limited amount of time, and my roommate was only available for one night so I had to do some improvising. So this “How to Find a Nice Girl” idea was a spur of the moment idea that we came up with while we were talking about one of our friend’s having some dating issues. All I really knew was that I wanted to incorporate some form of light-hearted humor. We needed a second actor for this, seeing as we needed a “girl” to be pursuing, but since I only had my one roommate, and it was made abundantly clear that I was not allowed to be in it, we used a random mask we had laying around. So hopefully the point was still able to get across even though one of the characters was literally just a piece of decorative plastic. So extra kudos to my lovely roommate, Stephanie, for being such a good sport! I’m not great at the whole “filming” thing and I was having some little difficulties with the camera going randomly in and our of focus even though it was on a tripod, and it was picking up the color kind of weird and I wasn’t quite sure how to adjust the white balance from premier. So there’s definitely lots of room for improvement but overall I had a lot of fun filming this project and we had a lot of good laughs trying to make this work. I almost wish I could have included a blooper real because there were some seriously funny things going on behind the scenes.