Searching for blogs

Brand New

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The blog post that caught my eye and the post I was the moist interested in was:

Man Against Continent

The first image in this post is from that post.  How they created this (amazing) logo was very interesting.  In the post they talked about combining the images of Mark Beaumont and a map of Africa.  I thought it was extremely clever and blew my mind.  How they used negative and positive space is amazing.  My eye keeps being drawn back to the glasses on the logo.

The site covers brand identity and logo design mostly. The website for the blog itself I felt looks very clean and professional. The site is very well done.  It’s easy to read and easy to navigate (very user friendly). As you can see from the second image i provided shows exactly how clean and professional the site looks.  I think the color scheme provides a sense of professionalism (using black, grey, white, and a little red). They use red to draw your eye to important information through out the site, which gives the whole site a nice eye flow. The information seems very accurate and credible i saw a lot of the same topics and information on other sites also.

One thought on “Searching for blogs

  1. Marla Wirrick

    This site makes me want to learn more about graphic design. I especially like the Before and After pictures of the various logos.

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