About Me


My name is Shayne Sadler, i’m 19 years old studying Multimedia Design at Lance Community College in the wonderful Eugene area. Being a kid growing up in the new data era I love media, whether it be video, music, photos etc. Naturally the Media arts program sounded like a good degree to work towards.I am also enrolled in the final term of the Audio Engineering program offered at lane. Being in these programs one thing I have learned is to become a trouble shooter. Things in the chain go wrong at anytime so you have to be able to fix something at any time. After three terms full time I feel I am on course and on the path to a happy and successful career. Lane has done nothing but help me excel with my work habits and attitude. With my time at LCC I hope to produce my own music videos with the tools I develop. Developing ideas for my own free lance production company is something I want to work towards while studying at LCC. If you enjoy music or anything multi-media please feel free to stop and chat with me about anything related. It is in my best interest to converse with as many like minded students as possible with my time at LCC.