IMA-F14-McGie,Duncan-P6 Final Project

For this project I decided to create yet another humorous video featuring a lousy mid-day public access talk show and an even lousier guest who has a few words to say about a very random topic. Originally I had a drastically different idea but after being unable to find any willing actors I decided to do something simpler. Something that only involved just me which was particularly challenging due to the fact that I couldn’t actually star in it myself so I came up with the idea of a talk show with a guest who had a censored voice. A lot of ridiculous ideas came to mind about what he should talk about including hipster scarves, gluten-free bread, maple syrup, and others until I thought about what would be something everybody loves nowadays and shortly after I came up with the idea featured in the video. Then came production. Modifying his voice was surprisingly easy. I searched the internet for a voice modifier until I realized that audacity could modify it. After that it was pretty simple I just had to select out the guest talking points and change the pitch. Then came finding all the images online which I needed and then putting everything together in a video. I tried to make the audio at some points cut off suddenly so it would make it seem like it was a low-budget show. All in all i’m pretty satisfied with the whole project which miraculously came out at a run time of 2 minutes and 59 seconds which is one second before the deadline I would like to point out. I hope whoever sees this enjoys it and make sure that when it comes down to who had the best final project, you’ll remember this and think to yourself; “yeah his was good but i’m thinking that other one was slightly better”.