Save a tree!

This project and I did not get along at first. We had a lot of ups and downs but in the end it all came together. This is probably my favorite project of them all because we had a lot of free reign to do what we wanted. I choose to do clear cutting because it is something that I feel is becoming a problem. Oregon is one of the smallest states with the largest logging production. There are places all around I used to hike/bike that were surrounded by trees and now there is nothing but stumps. The sad fact about this is the timber being cut down it’s not even for locals, it is being hauled to China because apparently it’s cheaper that way.

This project was truly a lot of fun in the beginning I thought I was never going to get it done. Problem after problem kept coming up and I was certain I was doomed. For starters if you’re going to hike up a mountain to take pictures don’t leave your keys in your car and proceed to lock it….with the camera inside. If you are going to interview someone, always make sure you have a back-up, just in case the first one cancels…last minute. Even with all the problems and I just want to quit moments it really was a lot of fun, nearly froze to death on a mountain, but fun:)